ANZAED Credentialed Eating Disorder Practitioner
Michelle’s other expertise and interest is in the area of Eating Disorders. She is an ANZAED Credentialed Eating Disorder Practitioner. She is very passionate about supporting people who have this problem operating in their lives and their families.
She works collaboratively with GP’s, Psychiatrists and Dieticians who are often part of the treatment team.
Michelle spent over 30 years in Child and Adolescent Mental Health supporting young people with quite severe and complex mental health issues. She was the Consultant Family Therapist for a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team for over 25 years. She also worked for 8 years at headspace Woolloongabba as a private practitioner. She has had experience with quite a diverse range of presentations and issues. Michelle has a particular interest and passion in working with adolescents and young people under 25 and the challenges faced by that age group. She welcomes referrals for young people in her private practice.
Michelle has also had experience in her senior roles with supervision and she continues to offer individual clinical supervision. She also has experience in team clinical supervision and is currently offering team supervision to 5 headspace centres.

Counsellors have the remarkable ability to see our potential, even when we struggle to see it ourselves
Michelle’s hope in meeting with people is that they will feel heard, validated, and not judged. She hopes that people will leave each conversation having had a very different sort of conversation, a conversation where people leave with a greater understanding of their issues and the context surrounding the issue, what they might be preferring for their life and how that might be possible.
Michelle has had extensive training in her career in many therapeutic approaches, but she is particularly informed by Narrative Therapy.